I am currently at the library right now and on the rare occassions that I am at one, I like to play the, where's-that-strange-sound-coming-from, game. I often hear someone sleeping and so I purposely get up to confirm it, only to find out it's some Korean guy with a breathing problem, damn.
I've been running a lot lately. My favorite types of runs are Trader Joe's runs............(tumbleweed's shaking his head). Last time I was at TJ's, I was very excited to re-experience the white cheddar Unburied Treasure corn puffs, only to find a Korean guy with a breathing problem, but seriously, they were sold out! I first tasted the White Cheddar puffs with the corn puff hogging sisters in Virginia, Lara and Rana.
Side Note: They call their dad, "Baba", and mom, "Mama"; noticing the "_a_a" trend going?
Anyways, the eating rate with those things are uncontrallable, so becareful. I settled with their Sour Cream and Caca version, which wasn't as good (too much caca).
I'm off to Trader Joe's!
(one hour later)

I've been running a lot lately. My favorite types of runs are Trader Joe's runs............(tumbleweed's shaking his head). Last time I was at TJ's, I was very excited to re-experience the white cheddar Unburied Treasure corn puffs, only to find a Korean guy with a breathing problem, but seriously, they were sold out! I first tasted the White Cheddar puffs with the corn puff hogging sisters in Virginia, Lara and Rana.
Side Note: They call their dad, "Baba", and mom, "Mama"; noticing the "_a_a" trend going?
Anyways, the eating rate with those things are uncontrallable, so becareful. I settled with their Sour Cream and Caca version, which wasn't as good (too much caca).
I'm off to Trader Joe's!
(one hour later)